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The unauthorized employment of foreigners in Germany without a work permit can lead to considerable penalties for employers and employees in Germany. Read here what penalties can be imposed on employers and employees in Germany.

12. March 2024



The energy revolution requires the expansion of renewable energy projects. There is currently a particular focus on the north-south power line to transport green electricity from the windy north to the consumption centers in southern Germany. This energy is mostly generated by wind turbines in the German Territorial Sea or the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) […]

18. February 2024



Recently, our clients have increasingly pointed out to us that VISALABS offers significantly lower rates than other providers for advising employers and employees on obtaining residence permits and visas for Germany or naturalization. A brief research online reveals abysses: Many law firms offer an hourly fee of up to € 300.00 per hour (without fee […]

14. February 2024



IT IS DONE! 🎈 After months of planning, conception and brainstorming, design creation, developer meetings, countless night shifts, sweat, tears, moments of frustration and success, it is done. We are so incredibly proud to present our APPLICATION PORTAL to you.

25. November 2023



Are you considering moving to Germany and working here, but have not yet found an employer? Then a visa or residence permit for job search is the first important step to getting started. Read more here about the requirements for obtaining a job search visa and how VISALABS can support you.

19. November 2023



Germany is competing internationally for skilled workers. The Skilled Workers Immigration Act (Fachkräfteeinwanderungsgesetz) is an important component of the German government’s strategy. The modernized Nationality Act is intended to enable a further step toward becoming a modern immigration country. At the end of August 2023, the Federal Cabinet approved a draft law to modernize German […]

5. September 2023

